Tuesday, May 31, 2011

World Missions Society teaches about the Soul 101…; Church of God, Heavenly Mother, Chirst Ahnsahnghong

Wow this month has been a whirl wind…sorry I haven’t blogged in awhile, I thought during break I’d have more time to relax but I was busier than when I’m at school.  I have been trying to build my spiritual sword so that I can let people know the truth.  I was blind for a long time, now all I want to do let other see the Light as I did.  People’s hearts are so cold.  Even though the love of God is in front of them, they are too afraid to open their eyes and see that the love they were looking for is right there.  I was with my friends this weekend and we were talking about why people are so sad.  The sadness is in their eyes it breaks my heart to see.  It’s like people are so lost.  The conversation reminded me about a verse I saw in the bible. 

Heb. 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died…admitting that they were aliens and stranger on earth.  Alien implies that we are are from somewhere else and we are here for a little while. 

In Ecc. 12:7 God said that the dust returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God who gave it.  Return means go back to where you have been before.  So if the spirit goes back to God that means we were with God in heaven.  So now we are here but not sure how to get back…When you look at it this way it makes perfect sense why people are sad, lonely, depressed and lost…its because we are lost and we aren’t where we belong.  The question now is how did we get lost…

The new name of God is Ahn Sahng Hong; Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

The new name of God is Ahn Sahng Hong

We, the people in Zion, have received God’s new name and believe in His new name. we know the name of the Father, the name of the Son and the name of the Holy Spirit. We met and receive Second Coming Christ who came, as the Bible testifies, in the flesh and we are the witnesses of His new name in this age of the Holy Spirit. We pray in the new name and praise the new name, we have been saved by believing in the new name.

The amazing and powerful new name of God is Ahn Sahng Hong, He is Second Coming Christ. God had to come in the flesh a second time tu fulfill all the prophecies that were not fulfilled in His first coming, Melchizedek, King David, because He is God forever, He had to come in the last days to bring us salvation, the Passover of the new covenant so we can go back home.

Truly He is our God, we trusted in Him and He saved us (Isa. 25:9)

Sabbath day and Christ Ahn Sahng Hong; Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

Finally, tomorrow is Sabbath day!!! How amazing. All children in Zion will be receiving blessings, restings and holiness from Almighty God. But also, we will be spiritually renewed, we will be molded so our faith can grow and we can be ready for the day when Father Ahn Sahng Hong comes to take us home.

Father Ahn Sahng Hong came a second time in these last days to let us know the truth, we were living in the darkness before when we though that sunday was correct; even though there is no single line in the Bible that testifies about sunday, we believe it.  But know we can see the truth, the 7th day of the week is Saturday which is the Sabbath day. Since the creation of the world God established this day for us  (Gen. 2:1)so we can receive the sign between God and us (Ex. 31:13) and can enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 7:21)

Thank you so much to Father Ahn Sahng Hong because He brough back the perfect truth of salvation and we, the sinful children can see His light and we can repent and change into spiritual beings and receive eternal life.

Jerusalem Mother is the reality of the Passover; Christ Ahnsahnghong, World Mission Society Church of God

Our Holy Jerusalem Mother is love, She is the reality of the Passover; because She is still here in this earth, we have a chance to go back to our eternal home, our kingdom of heaven. when we celebrate the Passover every year, taking part of the bread and wine, let us always keep in mind that She is been sacrifice for our salvation, let us realize about Her sacrifice, let us give praises and glory to our Heavenly Mother forever and ever.

Passover is almost here, this April, 17 we will be celebrating  this amazing feast of God, we eill be renewing our “contract” of salvation with Heavenly Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Holy Holy Jerusalem Mother. Let us rejoice and be glad, because every time that we celebrate the Passover the time to go to heaven gets shorter. AMEN!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Second Coming David is Christ Ahn Sahng Hong; Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

Without knowing the Second coming David in these days we can not receive salvation that God has promised us. Chris Ahn Sahng Hong  fulfilled the prophecies of the throne of David. He was baptized in 1948 when He was 30 years old, preached the gospel for 37 years and ascended to heaven in 1985 after completing His ministry. Even though He was completely distressed and trouble during His 37-year ministry on this earth, He always gave good things, opened the way to eternal life by restoring all the truths of the new covenant and let us know the New Jerusalem, our holy Mother who is the source of the water of life.

Thank You so much Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Jerusalem Mother for Your mercy, patience, sacrifice  and love for us. all praise, glory and honor to You.

Have you ever heard about Jerusalem Mother?; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

This is the question that the whole world is been asking in these days: “Have you heard about Heavenly Mother?”.

“Yes! Heavenly Mother! It is so amazing…The same Bible that testifies about Jesus Christ testifies that God the Mother exists.

2,000 years ago, when Jesus Christ taught us how to pray, He said “…Our Father who is in heaven…” (Mt. 6:9). Also through Apostle Paul, God showed us that we have our “Heavenly Mother”…”But the Jerusalem that is above is free and she is our Mother” (Gal. 4:26).

The Bible says that since the creation of the world we can see God’s invisible quealities, eternal power and divine nature (Romans 1:19-20), so even though through the principle of nature , God taught us the existance of God the Mother. All the living creatures are given life only through their mothers.

Then, who give us spiritual life? We are given spiritual life through God the Mother. According to the Bible, God promised us that in due time God the Mother would appear to save man kind.

Please let us believe 100% in our Holy Jerusalem Mother who, according through the prophecy in the Bible, came down to heaven in these last days in order to give us eternal life and take us back home to the kingdom of heaven.

The Secrets of the Bible are Revealed in The Church of God World Mission Society; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother

The Bible describes or explains itself to be a book of mysteries and secrets. Many verses testify to this fact. However, even though much/most of my life was spent in church, I was never shown a secret nor explained a mystery. But when I started coming to the Church of God World Mission Society I have continually seen mystery after mystery and secret after secret revealed through the Word of God. I am not talking about someone explaining what they think the Bible says, but actually the Bible itself testifying about mysteries and secrets. Apart from the previously explained parable concerning the Tree of Life, let me give one more clear example. If it is not clear, please let me know.

Revelation 10:4 shows that Apostle John was told to seal up what the seven thunders spoke. Then, will the seven thunders remain sealed forever or will there be a time to unseal what was said. As I think about things that have been sealed within the world around me, a letter, a jar of peanut butter, and many more… These things are sealed to be protected until the one who is meant to open them receives them. Then, are the seven thunders also intended to be eventually opened? Let’s see. Revelation 10:7 says it will be accomplished and also in Revelation 22:10 is states not to seal up the words… Then surely there must be a time to unseal the words and also a specific one the words are intended for.

The Reason to go to Church ; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

Why do people attend church? I have heard many reasons, excuses, and defenses about why they go.

“Oh it is good fellowship.” or… “The food is good.” or… “I have always gone there.”

Many answers are given. But according to the Bible, what is the reason we should go? We find that the scriptures testify that the goal of our faith is the salvation of our souls (I Peter 1:9). Then, the whole purpose in attending church is to obtain salvation. The only way to obtain salvation is to know the One who gives it. Of course Christ/God is the only One to grant eternal life/salvation. Then we must know God (John 17:3). But how can we know God? If we do the will of God we come to know God. As Christ said 2,000 years ago;

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21)

Then, even though many “Christians” acknowledge Christ with their mouths, do they actually do His will? No. Essentially He’s saying “Not every Christian will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the ones who do the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter.” Then, we must know the will of God in order to know God in order to obtain salvation. Then where can we know God?? In the Church of God World Mission Society, which keeps all the commands of God.

Please watch the video prior to understand what the remaining churches actually are.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Passover Kept by The Church of God World Mission Society Identifies the True Children of God; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother

As we can see through the scriptures the world and everything in it was created by God’s will (Revelation 4:11). And yet another verse shows us that everything on this earth is a copy and shadow of what exists within the heavenly realms (Hebrews 8:5). Then, taking a look at the family system on this earth we come to realize that it was created to reveal to us the heavenly family. Think about it… here on this earth, the key factors that compose a family are the children, father and mother. In the same way, the Bible should testify that we also have a Heavenly Father, a Heavenly Mother, and as a result making us the children of God.

Scriptures testify clearly to the existance of God the Father (Hebrews 12:9 & Matthew 6:9) and many Christians easily call God Father without getting agitated or upset. However, when the suggestion of God the Mother is brought up in conversation, many Christians reject the notion without even seeing it within the Scriptures. This is a problem, because anything we believe about God should be verified and checked in the Bible. Otherwise we are guilty of creating our own god. True God is testified in the Bible as Elohim God ? God the Father and God the Mother (Galatians 4:26). If God were not our Mother in heaven then we would not have physical mothers on this earth. But all mothers on this earth were created as a shadow of the reality which is God the Mother.

Naturally, if a man is called “father” and a woman is called “mother” this is due to the fact that they have children, as is the heavenly family. The Bible testifies there are children of God also. But how can we identify the true children of God? First, they must be born of God the Father and God the Mother. How can they be born? The Bible testifies through water and Spirit (John 3:3-6), meaning baptism (I Peter 3:21) and Christ’s flesh and blood through the Passover (John 6:53-54, 63). In the same way that children can identify who their parents are through a DNA blood test, the children of God Almighty Elohim must also share Their flesh and blood, which can only be done according to the Bible through the Passover (Matthew 26:17-19, 26-28).

Then Passover is the way to Identify the true children of Elohim God. The only church to celebrate the Passover according to Christ is the Church of God World Mission Society. Please come this year to keep the Passover, in order to become a child of God.

The Children of God Dwell in The Church of God World Mission Society; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother

The Bible is a book of mysteries. I have also felt that there were things contained within the scriptures that I could never understand or know as long as I studied or meditated upon God’s Word. In fact, while reading the Bible I always felt as though it were a mysterious love letter written by God, the Holy Spirit, to His love, the children of God. Yet, if I were a child of God I should be able to understand the love letter… much like a man would express his love for his wife within a poem or love letter. The two of them share a hidden language, their language of love. In the same way, God’s language of love to His children is one of parables. Christ testified as stated that the words He spoke were constantly in parables (Matthew 13:34). Then, knowing that this is how the Bible is written, only the children of God can understand. We must first recognize according to the Bible who is a child of God and how can one possess this title?

The Bible is True; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

In order to believe in anything in this world people want evidence. In fact the proof of evidence of God should be no different, or even more expected. But now-a-days it is difficult to believe in God because so many churches have interpreted the Bible and made it unclear and uncertain. Thus, in order for anyone to believe in God, they must first believe in the Bible. Much like one who wants to believe science is true and factual they must study science books and theory. Well the only book that testifies about God is the Bible, thus we must believe in the Bible.

Many passages of scripture, which were written long before the existance of science are in agreement with the proof that has been found within more recent ages, yet the Bible was written ages ago.

For example, Job 26:7 testifies about the earth being suspended over nothing. Job 36:27-28 testifies about the water system/cycle. And these are just a couple examples. In fact the whole Bible is a book of prophecy, and as God has clearly proven His Word to be true, we should not neglect the prophecies which remain to be fulfilled.

It is TRUE ? all things really do testify GOD the MOTHER; Christ Ahnsahnghong, World Mission Society Church of God

I couldn’t image the existance of God the Mother. I had been a firm “Christian” my entire life. No one had ever said anything to me about God being female. Until I came to The Church of God World Mission Society. It was then that I saw first through the Bible:

Romans 1:19 “…his eternal power and divine nature ? have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.”

Then through creation: Birds flying in the air have their father and mother. Fish in the water have their father and mother. Animals on the ground have their father and mother. Even plants have male and female counterparts. And human beings also have their father and mother.

Then, what about our souls/spirits? Our souls also must have God the Father and God the Mother.

Matthew 6:9 “…Our Father in heaven…”

Galatians 4:26 “…The Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.”

The very God the Father and God the Mother is God’s divine nature which has been clearly seen in all things. Among all things on earth, there is nothing that was created without the will of God.

Revelation 4:11 “… you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

God created all things by His will. Then, why did God make it, so life is given through the mother? All living creatures have their father and mother. Between the two, it is the mother who gives birth to a child. No living things can be born without a mother.

In the same way, we have God the Mother who gives us spiritual life. In order to receive spiritual life, we shouls know God the Father and God the Mother as well. God revealed this truth by making all creatures receive life through their mother. Since the Bible calls us the children of God, shouldn’t we know God the Mother who gives us spiritual life?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How do we love God?; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

I use to think that I loved God. Of course I would never say that I didn’t love God. But then I recently saw in the Bible many verses that testify how to love God.
One of them to be John 14:15, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” Jesus said this 2,000 years ago.
 I began to realize, I don’t know what the commands are… not really for sure. I could guess, but I didn’t want to guess about loving God.
I want to be sure of that. So then I also saw the testimony that the law/commands would go out from Mount Zion in the last days (Micah 4:1-4).
Then the only way for me to know God’s commands is to find out where Mount Zion is. According to another passage (Isaiah 33:20) Zion is where God’s feasts (Leviticus 23). The only way for me to keep the commands of God, is to go to Zion, in order to show God love… then let’s see more about Zion in the upcoming days.

Church of God World Mission Society is Zion; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother

Then, as previously stated, the Bible describes Zion as the place where God’s festivals are kept (Isaiah 33:20). And in the book of Leviticus, chapter 23 we can see a list of the 7 feasts of 3 times:

Passover & Unleavened Bread

First Fruits & Feast of Weeks

Trumpets, Day of Atonement, & Feast of Tabernacles.

These are the 7 feasts, which occur in 3 different times during the year. As we also previously saw/read Micah 4:1 expresses that the law of God will go out from Zion in the last days. Meaning, there has to be a place/location in which all the feasts of God are being kept and thus we will find Zion. Until recently I had not known of anywhere, any church, any place that kept a single one of these commands according to the way Christ did. And besides that, when I read Isaiah 33 and Micah 4 in greater depth there way something else that caught my eye regarding Zion…

First, Isaiah 33:20 says, “Look upon Zion, the city of our appointed feasts; Your eyes will see Jerusalem…”

Second, Micah 4:2 says, “…For from Zion will go forth the law, Even the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

So then, apart from the law/feasts of God begin kept in Zion, the Bible frequently mentions and correlates Jerusalem to this place called Zion. What Jerusalem are they referring to? It certainly cannot be a physical one that is in ruins in the middle east. Besides, a physical temple cannot speak words. What is it talking about? It can only mean one thing:

Galatians 4:26 “But the Jerusalem above is free, she is our Mother.”

Zion, which is described as the place of God’s feasts/festivals is the only place in which we can see, know, and hear from God the Mother Jerusalem. The only church in these last days that keeps all the feasts of God is Church of God World Mission Society, which is also the only church that proclaims the existance and salvation of God the Mother. Please come to Heavenly Mother in Zion, Church of God World Mission Society, to receive eternal life.

Believing what the Bible says…; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society

On this earth that we live in there are so many different people… no two people are exactly alike.
So, with the diversity that exists, there is also a spectrum of beliefs.
The number of religions are countless… each following, practicing and believing what the set leader has put forth. In the same way, Christians, by their name alone claim to follow Christ.
Then, the example that Christ left is found in the Bible.
Then, I must believe what the Bible says, no matter what… even if it is contrary to what the majority does or what even so-called religious leaders say.
If I am a Christian, I should follow, practice and believe what the Bible says. Especially taking note of the last message in the scriptures regarding salvation.

Revelation 22:17 says that the Spirit and the bride are giving eternal life (water of life) and saying “Come.” Then, in order to go to them I must know who They are and then where to go. Living in the last days, I must go to the Spirit and the bride, otherwise I am not living in accordance with the Bible prophecy. Immediately following this, the Bible concludes by saying do not add nor take away… then I must understand about the Spirit and the bride and where they are.