Tuesday, May 31, 2011

World Missions Society teaches about the Soul 101…; Church of God, Heavenly Mother, Chirst Ahnsahnghong

Wow this month has been a whirl wind…sorry I haven’t blogged in awhile, I thought during break I’d have more time to relax but I was busier than when I’m at school.  I have been trying to build my spiritual sword so that I can let people know the truth.  I was blind for a long time, now all I want to do let other see the Light as I did.  People’s hearts are so cold.  Even though the love of God is in front of them, they are too afraid to open their eyes and see that the love they were looking for is right there.  I was with my friends this weekend and we were talking about why people are so sad.  The sadness is in their eyes it breaks my heart to see.  It’s like people are so lost.  The conversation reminded me about a verse I saw in the bible. 

Heb. 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died…admitting that they were aliens and stranger on earth.  Alien implies that we are are from somewhere else and we are here for a little while. 

In Ecc. 12:7 God said that the dust returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God who gave it.  Return means go back to where you have been before.  So if the spirit goes back to God that means we were with God in heaven.  So now we are here but not sure how to get back…When you look at it this way it makes perfect sense why people are sad, lonely, depressed and lost…its because we are lost and we aren’t where we belong.  The question now is how did we get lost…

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