Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Children of God Dwell in The Church of God World Mission Society; Christ Ahnsahnghong, Heavenly Mother

The Bible is a book of mysteries. I have also felt that there were things contained within the scriptures that I could never understand or know as long as I studied or meditated upon God’s Word. In fact, while reading the Bible I always felt as though it were a mysterious love letter written by God, the Holy Spirit, to His love, the children of God. Yet, if I were a child of God I should be able to understand the love letter… much like a man would express his love for his wife within a poem or love letter. The two of them share a hidden language, their language of love. In the same way, God’s language of love to His children is one of parables. Christ testified as stated that the words He spoke were constantly in parables (Matthew 13:34). Then, knowing that this is how the Bible is written, only the children of God can understand. We must first recognize according to the Bible who is a child of God and how can one possess this title?

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