Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sabbath day and Christ Ahn Sahng Hong; Heavenly Mother, World Mission Society Church of God

Finally, tomorrow is Sabbath day!!! How amazing. All children in Zion will be receiving blessings, restings and holiness from Almighty God. But also, we will be spiritually renewed, we will be molded so our faith can grow and we can be ready for the day when Father Ahn Sahng Hong comes to take us home.

Father Ahn Sahng Hong came a second time in these last days to let us know the truth, we were living in the darkness before when we though that sunday was correct; even though there is no single line in the Bible that testifies about sunday, we believe it.  But know we can see the truth, the 7th day of the week is Saturday which is the Sabbath day. Since the creation of the world God established this day for us  (Gen. 2:1)so we can receive the sign between God and us (Ex. 31:13) and can enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 7:21)

Thank you so much to Father Ahn Sahng Hong because He brough back the perfect truth of salvation and we, the sinful children can see His light and we can repent and change into spiritual beings and receive eternal life.

1 comment:

  1. We have two types of Sabbath rest as we have two types of ordinances in the same Bible. Col 2:10-23, 1 John 2:7-8, 1 John 5:7-8, all scriptures by KJV Bible.

    The Sabbath which is a day of rest from physical works that is kept up to this day of 2013 and observed on different days of the week is presented by the Old Covenant Bible ordinances of darkness. We have also "Invisible Sabbath" revealed the New Covenant Bible ordinances of Light which is reached after a long time of searching the Bible for the TRUTH and when one finds the truth he/she rests. Only chosen and indwelt souls by God are REVEALED the TRUTH and therefore, find this type of rest and observe it Hebrew chapt 3 & 4. This type of Sabbath is known by Revelation Knowledge of God when the Holy Spirit teaches the Bible in a new way in the knowledge and wisdom of God to chosen and worthy souls. The Sabbath of observing a day is a SHADOW of the Sabbath given by the Holy Spirit of revealing the Bible truth concerning who is the TRUE CHRIST and who is the TRUE ONE GOD. Heb 10:1-9, John 16:5-18, Col 2:10-23, 1 John 2:7-8.

    The Bible handwritten in black and white, in letter from Gen-Rev whenever is READ, INTERPRETED and TAUGHT in human limited knowledge of flesh using EARTHLY VISIBLE THINGS which are COPIES and SHADOWS of HEAVENLY INVISIBLE THINGS TO THIS DAY 2013 is REVEALED to be the OLD COVENANT BIBLE that condemns and kills souls, and HIDES HEAVENLY INVISIBLE THINGS FROM CARNAL KNOWLEDGE SOULS. 2 Corinth 3:5-6, Gal 4:21-24,25-28, 1 John 5:7-8,
    The Old Covenant Bible which is READ until this day is from the Book of Genesis to the end of the Book of Revelation. Heb 10:1-9,
    Attached below are examples,
